

• It is a mistake to think that daily bowel movements are necessary for good bowel function. Each person, depending on their lifestyle and character, has a different rate of bowel movements.

• Eat a daily breakfast rich in vegetable fiber to achieve a smooth and systematic function of the voiding reflex. Coffee in the morning also helps.

• Make sure you eat properly, at regular intervals and if possible on a fixed schedule, with a diet rich in plant fiber and water.

• Fight stress in your daily life and make time for yourself. Follow your bowel schedule and don’t postpone your bowel movements too often, because the reflex is weakened.

• Exercise regularly and generally avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

• Special attention and medical advice is needed if you develop new constipation that persists for more than three weeks or other bowel symptoms such as bleeding.

Angelos P. Karatzaferis, Specialist Pathologist/ Scientific Associate for the GET WELL Natural Corner service
Excellent Graduate of the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Specialty in Internal Pathology at the Pathological Physiology Clinic of the University of Athens