

A runny nose is a group of symptoms from the nose that occurs mainly during the course of viruses, but often in other conditions as well. Hay fever is mainly characterized by stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose and severe itching of the nose.

During periods of outbreaks of respiratory viruses, special attention is needed to observe the rules for the prevention of viral infections. More specifically, the best prevention for the common cold is good and frequent hand washing with simple soap and water after every contact with patients or with potentially contaminated surfaces.

• Be examined by a doctor if you experience other symptoms indicative of a virus in addition to a stuffy nose, such as fever, sore throat and cough.

• It is recommended that you get vaccinated against influenza in time every year, especially if you belong to a high-risk group.

Propolis is a product produced by bees, when they mix resins and other plant substances of trees with the wax of their hive, to seal and disinfect it. In ancient times it was also referred to as “black wax”.

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